Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Skillclouds recruitment

SkillClouds would like to welcome Stuart Lamour who is joining the project as a Developer/Integrator.

Stuart joined the University of Sussex at the end of April from Cogapp, a Brighton based company providing consultancy, design and production for online and interactive communications.

At Cogapp, Stuart had a broad role undertaking user research, statistical analysis, project management, software development and the technical implementation of graphic design, wireframes and Information Architecture (see his Cogapp blog for more details).

Stuart is also a seasoned blogger, and provides consultancy advice on areas such as web site design, blogging and using social networking sites.

We're looking forward to working with him on SkillClouds!

Card sorting activity

Card sorting activity
Stuart screencasts on card sort analysis

SkillClouds SlideShare feed